Friday, May 31, 2013
Hello everyone,
This is my first post here on The Jar, so I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Olivia, I'm 24 and I was a student of Mr. Rheault's in 2005 and 2006 at which time I took Drawing 1 and 2. My favorite mediums to use on assignments were graphite pencils and oil pastels. At the time I was going through a lot of personal things and Mr. Rheault's classes really gave me the outlet I needed to keep going. So, for my first post I'd like to refer back to one of the pieces I created around that time.
This was a drawing for our sketchbook assignment. It's a portrait of Amanda Palmer, a musician and artist. Some of you may know her as the wife of Neil Gaiman. This sketch was done in graphite pencils, mostly 6B, and was completed in a little over an hour. This was the first time I thought that I could really create art for the rest of my life.
Currently, I'm studying Visual Communication as an e-learning student at the Savannah College of Art and Design. My area of concentration is Sequential Art, or illustration for comics, graphic novels and children's books. Once I graduate I plan on writing and illustrating children's books. Aside from drawing I enjoy creating art in a variety of forms; painting, sculpting, photography, writing, sewing and crafting in general. Eventually I'll probably end up posting something from every area of art I create.
Along with these posts, I'd like to include a work of art or artist that has been inspiring to whether currently or previously. That person is going to be Allie, the person behind Hyperbole and a Half. What I lost most about Allie's posts are that even though she uses humor in her writing and cute drawings, there's almost always something lovely behind the post, something personal and intimate and encouragement for the reader. For the first reads on her page, I'd recommend "Depression Part Two," "The Awkward Situation Survival Guide," and "The Alot is Better Than You at Everything."
When was it that you realized you loved art? I'm always interested in what has made a person realize they wanted to create art for a living or make it a part of your life in some way. For me, I've always loved art and creating things but I realized I wanted to make a career in art when I was 16 and took Mr. Rheault's Drawing 1 class. My decision was solidified when I took Drawing 2 the following semester and we began working with color.
There are some really great artists out there, no matter what your age. I'm looking forward to seeing all the upcoming talents here on The Jar.
This is my first post here on The Jar, so I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Olivia, I'm 24 and I was a student of Mr. Rheault's in 2005 and 2006 at which time I took Drawing 1 and 2. My favorite mediums to use on assignments were graphite pencils and oil pastels. At the time I was going through a lot of personal things and Mr. Rheault's classes really gave me the outlet I needed to keep going. So, for my first post I'd like to refer back to one of the pieces I created around that time.
This was a drawing for our sketchbook assignment. It's a portrait of Amanda Palmer, a musician and artist. Some of you may know her as the wife of Neil Gaiman. This sketch was done in graphite pencils, mostly 6B, and was completed in a little over an hour. This was the first time I thought that I could really create art for the rest of my life.
Currently, I'm studying Visual Communication as an e-learning student at the Savannah College of Art and Design. My area of concentration is Sequential Art, or illustration for comics, graphic novels and children's books. Once I graduate I plan on writing and illustrating children's books. Aside from drawing I enjoy creating art in a variety of forms; painting, sculpting, photography, writing, sewing and crafting in general. Eventually I'll probably end up posting something from every area of art I create.
Along with these posts, I'd like to include a work of art or artist that has been inspiring to whether currently or previously. That person is going to be Allie, the person behind Hyperbole and a Half. What I lost most about Allie's posts are that even though she uses humor in her writing and cute drawings, there's almost always something lovely behind the post, something personal and intimate and encouragement for the reader. For the first reads on her page, I'd recommend "Depression Part Two," "The Awkward Situation Survival Guide," and "The Alot is Better Than You at Everything."
When was it that you realized you loved art? I'm always interested in what has made a person realize they wanted to create art for a living or make it a part of your life in some way. For me, I've always loved art and creating things but I realized I wanted to make a career in art when I was 16 and took Mr. Rheault's Drawing 1 class. My decision was solidified when I took Drawing 2 the following semester and we began working with color.
There are some really great artists out there, no matter what your age. I'm looking forward to seeing all the upcoming talents here on The Jar.
June starts tomorrow, and with new starts comes new goals. For June I'm increasing my daily goal from a single drawing to both "Daily Drawings" and "Daily Designs" as I continue my investigations into Adobe Illustrator and understanding Advertisement and Graphic Design. I'll be creating a website to post my progress hopefully soon and will update this post when it's created and running.
edit: websites up!
edit: websites up!

I have spent the last ten years of my life trying to create the cleanest, flattest, shiniest, least brushstrokey paintings possible. I have been more inspired by the front of a dishwasher, a gas station pump, the sign at Kroger, a lunch tray, than anything in a museum, nature, or issues in politics.
I am still tongue in cheek. I am still flat. I am still plexiglass. I am still countertop laminate, masking tape, spray paint, and polyurethane.
But I have discovered the drip.
I have known about it for years. Always rejected it.
Abstract expressionism? Stop it.
But then I dripped.
It started by accident.
Not the Jackson Pollock "I just dripped paint on the floor, OMG it looks so cool I have to try this on a giant ass canvas and make some totally amazeballs, completely moving paintings" type of accident.
But one of those "I have a student who is a senior and going into UofM's design school who is really good, has a great eye for composition but is totally restricted and scared to get out of her shell, OMG lets collaborate and I'll do everything to your work you would be too scared to ever do like spray paint, stencil, drip paint, and cover your work with drawings" type of accident.
It looked like this.
It excites me.
Excited like I haven't been in a while about anything I've done.
So I had to try it on my own.
I'm uncomfortable.
I'm unsure of myself.
It's opposite of what I'm used to.
I'm not in control.
I'm in progress.
I am still tongue in cheek. I am still flat. I am still plexiglass. I am still countertop laminate, masking tape, spray paint, and polyurethane.
But I have discovered the drip.
I have known about it for years. Always rejected it.
Abstract expressionism? Stop it.
But then I dripped.
It started by accident.
Not the Jackson Pollock "I just dripped paint on the floor, OMG it looks so cool I have to try this on a giant ass canvas and make some totally amazeballs, completely moving paintings" type of accident.
But one of those "I have a student who is a senior and going into UofM's design school who is really good, has a great eye for composition but is totally restricted and scared to get out of her shell, OMG lets collaborate and I'll do everything to your work you would be too scared to ever do like spray paint, stencil, drip paint, and cover your work with drawings" type of accident.
It looked like this.
It excites me.
Excited like I haven't been in a while about anything I've done.
So I had to try it on my own.
I'm uncomfortable.
I'm unsure of myself.
It's opposite of what I'm used to.
I'm not in control.
I'm in progress.
It's still me...
But weird alternate universe me...
This gift for me today pretty much sums up the origins of this blog idea.
1. What a great gift from a student. I had Allison last semester for only Painting 1. She is going to attend Adrian College in the fall and go into Art. I will wear the pin tomorrow at her graduation proudly.
2. It shows the connection to Alumni I have created since I began teaching in 1997. Some of who are close friends now.
3. It represents how I want to share in your future successes.
4. It shows how I want to promote the arts and especially my alumni artists and their endeavors.
5. This post on my personal Facebook page will be buried in a couple days. I feel on a blog I/we can access it through the archives much easier.
6. Please comment!
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
I've had the idea for years. In fact since 2003 I believe. What if I was able to corral the numerous personal alumni talents, skills, and interests that I've come across? What if we helped each other?
I have worked hard on websites, Facebook and Twitter to promote. Those have gone extremely well, but I know I can do better.
My definition of websites now is that of an archive of information. A place to go to get something as if researching or buying a specific item. I feel social media is the key to promotion of the arts. Facebook is great for a two day span, then the great posts get lost. It's difficult to find a certain post when you need it. Twitter is good for an hour at best then the thought gets lost.
I feel a blog and its archive organization is what I'm looking for. A place for comments and posts by many.
Any alumni connected through me can blog here. I would like to have daily blogs by different people. An agreement where they would blog on certain days. I also don't want anyone to do extra work, to share a personal blog here or link to their own sites.
I want to generate a community and share each other communities. I feel through my teaching since 1998 I have quite the awesome community! So why not share all around the country.
The goal of this blog is having numerous, talented, passionate, alumni (to start), who will contribute posts and promote their personal interests and happenings.
In no way do I want those to do any more "work" then they already do. One post a week, or just bring us to your own blog. Promote yourself and your businesses. FROM THE GROUND UP.
If we all tie our personal social, business, groups, "communities" together. With me being the tying factor between contibutors, we can provide a nationwide effect and support for our social networks.
I personally will have a place to organize my lessons and influence that others can RESPOND/REPLY too. Seems better then a website and more organized then Facebook. I also wanted to break away from some censorship of "school".
We will use facebook and twitter to share our posts.
GROUND UP. Please reply. Hope to add YOU as a contributor. I'm proud of you.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
1958 Disney artists show their individual outdoor painting techniques
Posted by Jeremy Allen Rheault at 6:58 AM
I thought Walt mispronounced Robert Henri's name...nope. Tons of Great points.
1958: Old Disney artists show their various painting techniques through a nature study.
Walt Disney anthology television series
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Going over Comic Sans and how Cyndi Lareau was hired as Dan Gilbert's personal assistant. It was quite a lesson.
More coming.
Phil Hansen: Embrace the Shake
I made a lot of points today about this video.
- He had to get "out of the box".
- Then he put himself "back in the box"
- The PROCESS videoed was extremely important and in my opinion helped the artwork.
- His young age played a roll and was identifiable to many.
- His skill level?
- What was his process before attempting?
- How does the video make you feel?
- What do you think inspired him to TRY these new techniques?
- Did he just try one time? How did he prepare?
- Would you like to contact this artist?
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