Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Interior Design

Interior Design? Is it just swabs, fabrics and playing with colors all you do? It gets a little more complicated than that. The designers must be up to date on codes, new designs, and continuing to be eco-friendly. In otherwords your the secretary, you go between your client and the representatives to find the best design.

In this project shown, we were told to build a 1/4 scale model along with a specs book, for this completly green, eco-friendly shelter that can be transported across the country for whoever needs a temporary home. Thankfully we were able to have all semester along with a partner to help out. Thank you Montellis!


  1. Love it! I never think about interior design as a gateway into art, but it really is :D yay Kate!

  2. When you showed this to me the other day I wanted to ask, and even more so now, what led you to Interior Design? Was there something in particular?

  3. I took an interior design class in high school and ever since then wanted to design. I like being able to try and figure the pieces out, putting colors together along with a style that they enjoy and prefer in their home. Interior design requires you to be constantly moving, along with constantly being professional, two things in which I enjoy along with keeping a personal relationship with every client.


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