Then and there I went into my first day of class sch-peel (since 1997 it seems) with my survey questions:
Can you speak German? If you take a German class for 20 weeks, will you learn some German?
Can you play guitar? If you took guitar lessons for 20 weeks, would you learn to play some guitar?
Math, Science, History, do students walk in with a PRECONCEIVED ability for the class? "Oh I don't know anything about history; I'm going to do terrible." Of course not.
Seriously parents, you are such a detriment to us art teachers! Parents, just because you may not have done well in a certain subject, or skill, don't tell your child,
"I was awful at art; it's OK that you are probably too."
Anyone can learn the skills of art, like any other course. From these technical skills if someone enjoys them, works at them and masters them, they may want to continue on. Those students who enjoy it, and continue on, learn to see things differently and creatively. It doesn't just happen or is given to them.
My 1st Day Sch-peel
First: My Name, written the same on the board, every time, year after year, Mr. Rheault (Row), telling them to always make people pronounce your name correctly. You'd be shocked at how many students just say "that's fine" on mispronouncing their names. No it is not. Yes some are difficult and thus a nickname is formed (that will be stuck with them through life probably).
Second: Attendance, always precious attendance. "1st Day Present" selected from the pull down menu on every student. The roll call even brings students personalities to light. I ask them to say "Here" in a resounding voice I can hear to match the face with the name. Just that act can establish a certain personality, the student with the attention seeking answer or the shy don't acknowledge me answer. You can imagine all the responses I've heard.
Third: Class Survey, "Raise your hand above your head". The all important grade survey. Seniors can't wait to hear it on the first day "How many Seniors?" Oh how they smile and you can see how proud they are. It's probably the first time in front of other underclassmen they have been called out to be acknowledged. This is a deserved life moment all students have earned - except for the kid who's not sure because they didn't have enough credits as a junior. Juniors, sophomores, and then I say "The all important number I'm looking for, freshmen". That's another story in its self. I go on to ask each student "How many have had an art class in this school before?" "What were those classes?" asking each student. And for those that haven't, "What assignment do they remember from middle school?" This includes freshmen. Trying to jar loose some prior knowledge.
Then it gets good. Standing by the classroom door, "How many of you either in halls talking to friends or just prior to walking in the door said out loud or to yourselves, I can't do this, I'm terrible at art"? Along with, "I can't even draw a stick figure"?
Today one class of Drawing 1 students had six students raise their hands without hesitation that they just did this.
And there it is! How has this happened? I then make the point that if we all visited an elementary school 2nd or 3rd grade class, none of those kids would say they are terrible at art. Hell no, they would be jumping at the chance to be in an art class that very moment. So what happened? Our society, and obviously teenage peer pressure pushes young adults from taking risks and expressing themselves personally. They don't want to be judged by others; they don't want to be criticized or compared. The comparison in art to masterpieces or high level works cannot be attained by a beginner. Students think that if they don't do perfect art, they can't do ANY art. Why is it not the same as a beginning foreign language class, a history class, science class etc? We offer art classes to learn, not to showcase talent. (I showcase the hell out of talented by the way.)
Sch-peel Continued
Your homework, I say, "Tonight over spaghetti dinner, which many of you will have tonight, when your parents ask about your first day of school, and they will by the way. Oh and what an opportunity this is for you. Look them in the eye, talk about each class you have, take advantage of this opportunity! They will tear up, actually tear up! 'My child is talking to me' they'll say to themselves, maybe a raise in the allowance even.
Tell me if your parents interrupt you, mid forkful, and say "I can't even draw a stick figure."
This is how I draw/teach stick figures by the way. |
FYI I can no longer teach my unit on Figure Drawing/Stick Figures. So many class days have been cut out with assemblies, tests, and whatnot, I removed this unit.
Another Tangent
I usually also discuss another aspect of the quote:
When I am introducing myself to other adults, with an extended hand to shake even, on contact, the other states with a big smile "I CAN'T EVEN DRAW A STICK FIGURE". This happens all the time to those of us in certain positions, English teachers get "I can't write/read" or "I hate reading/writing" or "Are you going to correct the way I talk?" Good times.