Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Jar Blog

I've had the idea for years. In fact since 2003 I believe. What if I was able to corral the numerous personal alumni talents, skills, and interests that I've come across? What if we helped each other?

I have worked hard on websites, Facebook and Twitter to promote. Those have gone extremely well, but I know I can do better. 

My definition of websites now is that of an archive of information.  A place to go to get something as if researching or buying a specific item. I feel social media is the key to promotion of the arts. Facebook is great for a two day span, then the great posts get lost.  It's difficult to find a certain post when you need it.  Twitter is good for an hour at best then the thought gets lost.  

I feel a blog and its archive organization is what I'm looking for. A place for comments and posts by many. 

Any alumni connected through me can blog here. I would like to have daily blogs by different people.  An agreement where they would blog on certain days. I also don't want anyone to do extra work, to share a personal blog here or link to their own sites. 

I want to generate a community and share each other communities.  I feel through my teaching since 1998 I have quite the awesome community!  So why not share all around the country. 

The goal of this blog is having numerous, talented, passionate, alumni (to start), who will contribute posts and promote their personal interests and happenings.  

In no way do I want those to do any more "work" then they already do.  One post a week, or just bring us to your own blog.  Promote yourself and your businesses. FROM THE GROUND UP.   

If we all tie our personal social, business, groups, "communities" together.  With me being the tying factor between contibutors,  we can provide a nationwide effect and support for our social networks.  

I personally will have a place to organize my lessons and influence that others can RESPOND/REPLY too. Seems better then a website and more organized then Facebook.  I also wanted to break away from some censorship of "school". 

We will use facebook and twitter to share our posts.
GROUND UP.  Please reply.  Hope to add YOU as a contributor. I'm proud of you. 


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