Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Art Final Exams : High school

I've always had the philosophy that Final Exams should be a culmination of skills and techniques learned throughout the semester.

They should actually make the student feel good. Feel proud.

If you recall, high school exams are half days, two classes per day. Extended time obviously.  Think of what you could accomplish in an 1:40 minutes.

 Marley Larson, Jr

Sometimes it is a one day final exam, utilizing that particular time period to create a piece or critique.  Mostly though, I assign the final assignment a week prior giving students the time to be inspired, plan, and get supplies with the deadline being during the exam date.


I've had tremendous success with this. Most all advanced classes have a "Large Self Portrait" as the final exam. Many have this final exam multiple times during their careers with me as an end of the semester final exam.

"It's the best piece you've done all semester" just heard said by Haley to Marley.

Marley just received her "A".

Here's some pics from 1st semester Final Exams "Large Self Portrait"


  1. So inspiring to see such incredible talent at such a young age. And to think how much further they'll be able to push themselves because of an exercise like this, it's truly amazing. "It's the best piece you've done all semester." How rewarding is THAT?! Great job!

  2. she really does has a passion. she is improving quick.

  3. Ahh, I remember my drawing final. Oil pastels. We just had the one class session. Good times.

  4. Nice work! That would explain the portraits in the posted videos on the Franklin Art channel. I'm curious, you mention hand gestures and screaming - was that the students to each other or teacher to student with the two boys? I'm still learning Spanish the hard way out here.


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